The Mass is the pinnacle of our Catholic faith, as during Mass, we receive the body of our Lord, truly present in body, soul, and divinity. Because it is the most important aspect of our faith, it’s crucial for us to celebrate it with reverence.
It is disheartening to witness Catholics attending Mass without any reverence whatsoever, simply going through the motions as part of their Sunday routine. Mass should hold deeper meaning for us, and these 11 tips will help us make the Mass more meaningful.
Tip 1 Preparation
Preparation is key. Arrive at Mass a little early to allow yourself time to collect your thoughts, quiet your heart, and leave behind the distractions of the outside world.
Start by offering a silent prayer, such as: ‘Lord Jesus, as we gather here, may we be mindful of the miracle we are about to witness. Joined by angels and saints, and with the presence of Mary, help me to enter this Mass more deeply.’
Take a moment to acknowledge the presence of the statues of the Virgin Mary, saints, and angels, recognizing their significance in the Mass. Reflecting on their presence can help you appreciate the sacredness of the occasion.
Additionally, reading the day’s readings beforehand is highly beneficial. Amidst the noise of the world, familiarizing yourself with the readings allows you to better grasp the message the priest will convey in his homily.
Tip 2: Pick someone you are praying for at this Mass
Always offer the mass for someone, it could be for a loved one, friend, a disease person, for whoever. But always offer the mass for someone, never for you, true humility is thinking of others before you.
I personally offer and pray almost always for the souls of the purgatory. The Council of Trent taught that the best way to aid the souls in purgatory is through the “sacrifice of the altar,” the Mass.
But please always in any prayer that you do always do it through the intercession of Mary. A saint, whom I can’t remember his name, once said that all the saints, angels, and archangels together do not compared to a single breath of Mary, in the sense of how powerful her intercession is before our Lord.
I also read in a recent book that I read that when you ask Mary to intercede for you is like she going to Jesus and asking him the following, “if you love me just a bit, please help my child in this”. Jesus love his mother immensely, so its almost impossible that Jesus wont do something that his mother has asked him
Tip 3: When your mind wanders …
Look at the crucifix or the tabernacle to remind us what our lord went through, and how he is being sacrifice all over again in the mass for us. This could help you stop “saying the prayers” and start praying them. While you look, listen to the liturgy or the words of the hymns. Those words are your way back in.
Tip 4: If you are afraid to go deeper at Mass, ask why.
Often sins in our lives are at the root of our fear to be intimate with God. Remind yourself that God came here for the sinners and the holy ones, just like a doctor comes for the sick and not the healthy ones.
Tip 5: Meditate in the readings.
Is not just about listening to the readings, but its also about meditating, try to grab the meaning of the readings, reflecting on them. That’s why I recommended to read the readings before mass, because this helps you, because you’re listening to it twice, maybe the first time you missed something that you caught the second time.
Tip 6: Offer yourself with the gifts.
When the gifts are brought forward, either from the back of the church or laid on the paten, put yourself beside them and offer yourself to Jesus with the gifts.
Say the following “Lord, I offer myself with these gifts, I know I’m the most unworthy but I also know that your love has no limits, and trusting in your love I offer myself to you, so you can transform my life, because without you I’m lost.”
Tip 7: Transport yourself through time.
When the consecration comes, you are no longer just at Mass with people from your neighborhood. The Church teaches that you are witnessing not a new act, but the original sacrifice of Jesus Christ re-presented. So don’t just glaze over watching the same old priest raise the same old chalice; see through what is happening to that one sacrifice and offering of Jesus Christ.
Tip 8: Pray silently during the elevation.
It is an old and helpful custom to pray silently when the host is elevated, “My Lord and my God,” and when the cup is elevated, “My Jesus, have mercy on me.”
You can do that prayer or you can pray anything, I personally say the following, “Lord you are everything and I’m nothing”
Tip 9: Pray before and in the communion line
One thing that has helped me to deepen my faith is to pray before and during the communion line. Pray to saints, angels and specifically our holy mother. Ask them to accompany you to get the body of our Lord and ask Mary to come into you’re heart, so our Lord could be more happy coming to our heart, because He won’t find a filthy heart full of sins, but a pure heart, all thanks to His mother.
Tip 10: Pray after Communion
I like to pray the prayer of saint francis of asissis after communion,
Lord, make me instrument of your peace, where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is discord, union; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy. “o divine master, grant that i may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console; to be understood, as to understand; to be loved, as to love; for it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen
but you can pray which ever one
Tip 11: Know your duty as a catholic
Finally, when the priest says, “let us go in peace” and we replied “thanks be to God”, what this means is that we should go out to the world and live according to what Jesus taught us, loving everyone and following the commandments.
I hope these 11 tips helped you to make the mass more meaningful, thank you and God bless you.